Monday, June 21, 2010


Joined YPOM last week and ran with them Th. night and took Dianne to Pub for dinner with club.


Lost power overnight Friday so ran late Sat. in high heat and humidity. Cut shart to 4 miles.
Sunday planned 12 miles. Forgot watch, ran 50 yards and stopped to talk. After a mile found woman who lost the bolt on her derailer. Couldn't find it. Offered to get vehicle and drive her home but she declined and walked 4 miles home. Got passed by rollerblader in straw hat. Caught her after 5 miles walking and bloodied. Ran ahead to boatlauch and got out first aid kit. Phone rang, youngest and family at my house, come home. Patched up skater and went home to see grandson.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Paint Creek Trail

Ran 10 miles on the trail in 60's and breeze. Perfect weather. Muscle spasm in back.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Paint Creek Trail

Met Jim and his baby in the baby jogger at the duck pond. Talked to 3 runners from local club and got to the trail where lots of the club were waiting for others to finish. had to hug one woman, and found out it's not fun to hug a sweaty runner. Memories of Delores Hensley.
Ran over 5 miles and quit. Sun and 84!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Rest of week

Ran 2 1/2 miles home after dropping off the Rodeo on Tues. and 6 miles Sat. on the trail - hot.

Paint Creek Trail

Ran 8 miles Sunday on the trail. Started in 62 degrees and light rain and finished in sun. Talked to guy with same nerve damage to right calf from blown disc in back.