Saturday, August 28, 2010


I went up to Flint Friday to sign up for the 10 mile race. had a blowout on the xway and changed tire. Stripped lug - broke off. Crowded expo. Got deal for new shoes from Saucony rep.
Got up early and drove to favorite parking spot. Record crowd of over 10,000 for 10 mile race. Kenyans there as well as US men championship. Lined up, National anthem sung and off. Saw women from YPOM and ran well.@1:46. Hills trashed my legs.
After race, picked up pizza and pop and sat down at a table across from Jim! Watched DJ start "Born in the USA" and hand out US flags - lots of flags waving during song and no Tea Party in sight. Really cool!
Sun, 64 to 80.

Friday, August 27, 2010


Ran 6 miles up and down Brewster for the hills. Crim expo today. 10 mile Crim tomorrow. 56 to 64, sunny.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Paint Creek Trail

Ran 12 miles on trail. Started with Jim, Cathy, and Marv. Marv was limping and leaning to the right. I said if you lean to the right anymore, you'll start liking Sarah Palin! They turned at Dutton, and I ran 10 with Jim, and 2 by myself.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Rest period

The last 2 weeks have been a rest period. Last week we vacationed in Wisconsin and I ran 2 six mile runs with Jerry in the dark, hot and humid. Sat. night we ran 10 miles, hot and humid in the dark. Took this week off and ran 4 miles on the trail in light rain today. Ankle was sore all week so the break was welcome. 12 weeks to Harrisburg.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Paint Creek Trail

Ran 9 miles with Jim on trail - 60's and humid. Wanted 8 but missed turnaround.