Sunday, April 24, 2011

Paint Creek

Run/ racewalk for 3 miles on the trail. Immediately upon starting, I had shooting pains down the back of my legs. Since I hadn't run in 2 weeks, it wasn't caused by running, but the back is out. I stopped and did a squat stretch and got 2 cracks, and felt a little less pain.
Running on the trail means I meet all my friends. Talked 18 minutes with Laura, mostly about Davila finishing second at Boston. Also met people with 2 standard poodle puppies. Cute as can be.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Paint Creek

I ran 6 miles with Jim today. Saw Cathy and Marv and a number from the club. Better than last week. 40's and fog.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Stoney Creek

Ran/ racewalked 6 miles at the park. @40, windy.