Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I gave a beginning running schedule to a woman behind the deli counter at the grocery store, because she used to run and wants to start back up. I also talked my nurse into beginning when I had the heart catherization done.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Marv and I on the dam at Stoney Creek. Photo by Shirley Kussner

Marv and I at Stoney Creek. Picture by Shirley Kussner

Friday, February 20, 2009

Saw the Doctor Wednesday morning. The heart catherization showed 30% buildup in main artery ( typical of my age) and the rest of arteries clear. The heart is functioning at higher than normal capacity so no problem. No explanation of issue in marathon.

Monday, February 16, 2009

I ran 6 at the park without walking for the first time this year. Feels good . Made a schedule for the year with Lakefront the goal. I will concentrate on shorter runs and getting my pace faster before doing long runs so I can do the long runs faster. Probably look for some 5k's first.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Ran with Pete Sunday. He pooped out after a mile. I believe he's too old to run far. Sad. He's been my winter partner for years. With his ears flying in the wind and a big grin, he makes everyone smile.
Saturday I went to the park and ran my first 6 miler of the year. Some walking in there .47 degrees and wind meant I was warm with the wind at my back and into the wind I pulled the zipper of my jacket up. The thermostat.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

My 2 year old granddaughter Dana is about to give me a "Gotcha " from behind!

Approaching the finish at 2008 Lakefront Marathon I'm about to high five my granddaughters.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

July 4, 2008 with Marvin Stevenson

Frankenmuth, Mich July 4, 2008

Frankenmuth Mich. July 4, 2007

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The weather has been typical January in Michigan frigid and snowy. Pete and I ran in the snow on the trail twice this week but it was so cold we kept it short. Sunday, Feb. 1 was 34 degrees in the morning so we went to the park . After 2 miles Pete was dragging, so we walked most of the last mile. I felt good, but Pete is 8 years old, making him almost as old as me. I have to take it easier on him.
We lose runners every year to car accidents, especially in winter. I have seen in just the last few days runners in the road in rush hour, and running with traffic, not against. They can't see if there is a problem behind them. All runners need to run against traffic and preferably not in the roadway.
In that spirit, The Bumper run is Wed., Feb.4th at 6:15 pm at Stoney Creek Metro Park. This race commemorates Don Richmond running there around 13 years ago at night, in the dark, in the road, wearing all black. He was hit by a pickup truck and flew thru the air and landed on the grass - uninjured! The pickup rolled and was totalled! Don believes that was a sign from God, so he puts on the Bumper run every year at his expense to promote safe running. It will be cold and windy so I'm debating if I will go. Maybe.