Thursday, December 11, 2008

Having read countless books on running, run since I was a boy, and tried all kinds of training strategies, I decided to write a book on my training ideas that work for me and some of the people I have trained. The biggest issue in marathon training is getting to the start line fresh and uninjured. Most people decide July 4th to run a fall marathon and train furiously to the race. I believe in a long buildup - 3 sessions of 84 days separated by a 2week rest period. Also, on day 59 you are overtrained and need 5 days off! The protests are deafening. But it's right. Most marathoners get sick or injured before the race. Training thru the period when you are overtrained reduces you immunity. It is not my discovery. It is science. Jerry bought me the book "Consistant Winning" and won't take a break on day 59. For years he got sick and checked his log - day 59! He didn't want to talk to me because I couldn't get him to take a break. I used his name in the book to show what not to do, but I have decided to change his name to protect the guilty. I will preview chapters in the book on this blog to get a reaction. Adding rest, stretching and sensible diet to training always raises protest. But it works.

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