Sunday, February 1, 2009

The weather has been typical January in Michigan frigid and snowy. Pete and I ran in the snow on the trail twice this week but it was so cold we kept it short. Sunday, Feb. 1 was 34 degrees in the morning so we went to the park . After 2 miles Pete was dragging, so we walked most of the last mile. I felt good, but Pete is 8 years old, making him almost as old as me. I have to take it easier on him.
We lose runners every year to car accidents, especially in winter. I have seen in just the last few days runners in the road in rush hour, and running with traffic, not against. They can't see if there is a problem behind them. All runners need to run against traffic and preferably not in the roadway.
In that spirit, The Bumper run is Wed., Feb.4th at 6:15 pm at Stoney Creek Metro Park. This race commemorates Don Richmond running there around 13 years ago at night, in the dark, in the road, wearing all black. He was hit by a pickup truck and flew thru the air and landed on the grass - uninjured! The pickup rolled and was totalled! Don believes that was a sign from God, so he puts on the Bumper run every year at his expense to promote safe running. It will be cold and windy so I'm debating if I will go. Maybe.

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