Thursday, December 4, 2008


All this stems from my parents. As a runner, I'm not suppose to have high blood pressure. I inherited it. My mother has had high blood pressure since she was 20. My dad had 2 heart attacks at 43. Lots of opperations and complications after. I read years ago that if you run a marathon you won't have a heart attack for a year. That is not scientifically proveable.
My first hint of possible heart problems came a couple years ago at the World Famous "Run thru Hell" when I climbed the biggest hill and turned around and went all out back down the hill. I got a sharp pain across my chest and immediately slowed down. That is the body's way of telling me I was running too fast for me. I didn't do that again!
After an outstanding training season I ran with Marv on the Brooksie Way course and we picked up the pace the last 2 1/2 miles. We hit 7:45 pace briefly and I felt uncomfortable with a little pressure in my chest.
I came into the 2008 Lakefront marathon Oct. 5 in top shape and peaking. I lost 17 pounds. Great training and taper. I was running beautifully and headed for a good time when I experienced pressure in my chest over my heart. I was @10 min. pace, heart rate 142. Easy.
So I slowed down. If my heart rate went to 140 I felt pressure so I did a run/walk and kept it between 117 and 130. I was thrilled to see my daughter Julie and her family along the way at a restaurant and high five my 3 grandaughters near the finish. I told a medic after the finish line I had experienced pressure and he took me straight to the medical tent. After examining me the head doctor proclaimed I was to take an ambulance to emergency for tests, and the fight began. Iknow that is a $10,000 bill and I could have jogged there. so we argued about it. Then my oldest so Jerry who qualified by 40 seconds for Boston piped up he would drive me. The doc was furious and sent someone over to tell him to shut up.
The doc won and I took the ambulance to ER and had 2 sets of tests. Everything was OK. I got out of there at 6:30 pm. I had nothing to eat since 4 am.
I took the tests to my doctor,who ordered a stress test, nuclear imaging and ultrasound, all negative. Talking on the internet with the doctor incharge of the NY marathon he said keep testing until you know what cause the pressure.

1 comment:

Dana said...

Glad to see you're writing about your experiences. I hope everything goes well with the tests/heart.
